Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives
University of Illinois Issues Hedge Fund RFI
The University of Illinois is seeking information from multi-strategy hedge funds for a 10%
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Oklahoma Police To Issue Hedge Fund, Commodities, Real Estate RFPs
The $1.8 billion Oklahoma Police Pension & Retirement System is scheduled to issue RFPs for hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Arkansas Selects Hedge FoF Finalists
The $6.1 billion Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System has selected three hedge fund-of-fund
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Kern County Hires Albourne As HF Consultant
The $2.9 billion Kern County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has selected Albourne
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Iowa State Hires Hedge Fund Manager
The approximately $470 million Iowa State University Foundation hired Lynx Asset Management AB to
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Bristol Makes Consultant Hire; Alts Searches Next
The $516 million Bristol (Conn.) General Retirement System hired Beirne Wealth Consulting as its
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Maryland Set for Hedge Fund 101
The $37.7 billion Maryland State Retirement and Pension System will receive an educational session
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Florida Hospital Approves Hedge Fund Firms
The South Broward Hospital District approved a pair of hedge fund managers for its
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Hartford To Search For Real Estate Mgrs; Slates HF, Commodities Talks
The $956 million Hartford Municipal Employees Retirement Fund will conduct a search for real estate
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Conn. To Issue Hedge FoF, Real Estate & Alts. Consultant RFPs
The $24.7 billion State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds will discuss issuing RFPs for