Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisiana State Employees Terminates K2, GAM As Part of HF Restructuring
The $8.9 billion Louisiana State Employees Retirement System has decided to terminate its
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Colo. County Makes Dividend Yield, Emerging Markets Equity, Hedge FoF Hires
The $115 million Weld County (Colo.) Board of Retirement made dividend yield equity, emerging
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Cook County Hires 3 Hedge FoFs
The $7.6 billion Cook County (Ill.) Pension Fund and Forest Preserve District Annuity &
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Florida Hospital To Issue Long/Short RFP
The approximately $1.7 billion South Broward (Fla.) Hospital District will issue an RFP
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Permanent Talks Strategic Hedge Funds; Commits To Real Estate
The approximately $23 billion Texas Permanent School Fund received approval from its full
Hedge Funds Alternatives
San Antonio To Seek Direct Hedge Fund Mgrs.
The $2.1 billion San Antonio Fire & Police Retirement System is expected to begin searching for
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Rhode Island Adds Additional Hedge Funds
The $7 billion Employees Retirement System of Rhode Island added five direct hedge funds to its
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Mass. Plan Reissues Consultant RFP
The $481 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board has reissued
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Vermont Foundation Reviewing SRI Portfolio; Hires Hedge Funds
The approximately $160 million Vermont Community Foundation‘s investment consultant is
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Richmond Makes Global Macro Hedge FoF Hire
The $459 million Richmond (Va.) Retirement System hired a global macro hedge fund-of-funds