Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds
New England Plan Hires Two Hedge FoF

The plan selected two firms to mitigate future volatility.

Domestic Equity
Eastern Plan Receives SMID-Cap Value Recommendation; Shakes Up Hedge Fund Portfolio

An Eastern state plan received a domestic small- to mid-cap value equity manager recommendation last month and made several changes to its hedge fund portfolio in April.

Hedge Funds
Southwest Plan Narrows Marketable Alts. Search

Plan will conduct operational due diligence on two marketable alternatives finalists before entertaining a final action on approval.

Passive Fixed-Income
West Coast Plan Axes TIPS, Hedge Fund Mandates

The plan terminated a pair of mandates with Bridgewater Associates at today’s board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Approves New A/A

A trust fund in the south approved a new target asset allocation including a maiden allocation to hedge funds at its first quarter board meeting.

Searches And Hires
Texas Plan To Launch Global Fixed-Income Mgr. Search

The plan will conduct a search to replace a manager that decided to discontinue its fund.

Rocky Mountain Plan Discloses Investments

The plan made a public equity hire and added five private market commitments.

Southwest Plan Adds Liquid Alts. Investments

Plan added two liquid alternatives investments following a search presentation from its consultant.

New England Transportation Pan Makes Private Investments

The plan made two follow-on private investments in the first quarter.

Absolute Return
Calif. Plan Restructures Absolute Return Portfolio; Hires Overlay Provider

A California plan restructured its absolute return portfolio and hired an overlay services provider at yesterday’s board meeting.
