Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Mass. School Hires Int'l Managers
The $160 million Wheaton College (Mass.) endowment hired a trio of managers as a means to
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Penn. School To Add Up To 10 Absolute Return Managers
The $49.8 billion Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System will add up to 10
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Mass. Utility Plan Seeking Hedge FoF
The $300 million Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Retirement System today issued an RFP
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
NY State Common Hires Albourne As HF Consultant
The $140.6 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund has hired Albourne Partners as
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Modesto Irrigation Eyes Hedge Fund-of-Funds
The $238 million Modesto Irrigation District Employees Retirement Fund (Calif.) is currently
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Alabama Hires Hedge Fund, Int'l Equity Mgrs
The approximately $900 million University of Alabama System endowment approved additions
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Iowa State Eyes Hedge Fund Opps.; Hires Mgrs.
The $455 million Iowa State University Foundation is continuing to seek hedge fund
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Florida State Discusses Frontier Markets
The approximately $400 million Florida State University Foundation is discussing the addition of a
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Kentucky Foundation Approves Alts. Allocation
The $55 million Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky approved an amendment to its investment
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Tennessee Foundation Hires Hedge Fund Mgrs.
The $260 million Community Foundation of Greater Memphis (Tenn.) recently hired hedge