Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives
Penn. State Employees Monitoring PAAMCO, CalPERS & Ohio Public Mum
The $24 billion Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System is watching hedge fund-of-funds
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Vermont Educating On Single Strategy Hedge Funds
The $2.91 billion Vermont Pension Investment Committee is educating itself on single strategy hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
LA Utilities Conducting Asset Study; To Issue Hedge FoF RFP
The $7.1 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Retirement Plan will conduct an asset
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
CUNY Forgoes P.E.; Hires Global Equity Mgr.
The approximately $150 million City University of New York endowment has decided against
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Mississippi Hires Hedge Fund Mgrs.
The $291 million University of Mississippi Foundation hired three hedge fund managers in
People Moves Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Presbyterian Foundation Adds Hedge Funds
The $637 million Texas Presbyterian Foundation has created a new TPF Defensive Strategies
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Mexico Adopts New Asset Allocation
The $8.2 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board adopted a new asset allocation
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Public Employees To Seek Mid-Cap Managers; Makes Hedge FoF Hires
The $65.7 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will search for domestic mid-cap equity
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Alma Seeks Alternatives
The $93 million Alma College endowment is seeking a hedge fund manager and an additional
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Pennsylvania School Looks At Long/Short; Closing in on Absolute Return
The $52 million Elizabethtown College endowment is looking at long/short equity funds to