A trust fund in the south approved a new target asset allocation including a maiden allocation to hedge funds at its first quarter board meeting.
The plan will conduct a search to replace a manager that decided to discontinue its fund.
The plan made a public equity hire and added five private market commitments.
Plan added two liquid alternatives investments following a search presentation from its consultant.
The plan made two follow-on private investments in the first quarter.
A California plan restructured its absolute return portfolio and hired an overlay services provider at yesterday’s board meeting.
The plan hired a firm that will help build a direct hedge fund portfolio.
The plan made a small-cap equity manager switch and is watching its hedge fund-of-fund managers.
A Mid-Atlantic plan disclosed $650 million in new commitments at its investment advisory committee meeting today.
Bard College has announced a $500 million pledge to its approximately $209 million endowment from a prominent investor and philanthropist.