Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
St. Louis Employees To Discuss Emerging Markets, Int"l Small-Cap, High-Yield & TIPS
The $480 million St. Louis Employees Retirement System is considering recommendations from
Hedge Funds Alternatives
San Antonio Plan Discusses Silver Creek, Marwood Terminations
The $1.96 billion San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Plan was expected to terminate hedge
Industry News Hedge Funds Alternatives
Trading Suspension Leads To Investor Pullouts At Westridge
Several public defined benefit pension plans have begun the process to recoup money from investment
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio School Makes Hedge Fund Commitments
The $8.25 billion Ohio School Employees Retirement System committed more than $80 million to eight
Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Hampshire To Seek 12 Direct Absolute Return HFs
The $4.3 billion New Hampshire Retirement System will search for 12 direct absolute return funds to
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Mexico To Redeem $124M From Austin Capital
The $6.6 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board will redeem its investment with hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Louisiana Plan Makes Hedge FoF Hires
The $1.1 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System hired two hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Pompano Beach Redeems From UBP After Madoff Losses
The $150 million Pompano Beach (Fla.) Police & Firefighters’ Retirement System has put in a request
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
New Orleans Eyes Small-Cap Core
The $270 million New Orleans Employees Retirement System is considering hiring a small-cap core
Hedge Funds Alternatives Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
SWIB Preparing Hedge Fund Consultant RFP
The $60 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board is preparing to issue an RFP for a hedge fund