Hedge Funds

Southern University Adds, HF, PE, Public Equity Investments

A university in the South added hedge fund, private equity and public equity investments at its investment committee meeting last week.

Hedge Funds
Rocky Mountain Plan Liquidates HFoF Investment; Increases Equities Exposure

A Rocky Mountain pension plan liquidated a hedge fund-of-funds investment and moved the assets to existing global equity managers at a board meeting last week.

Searches And Hires
New England Community Foundation Adds Equity, HF Investments

A community foundation in New England added global public equity and hedge fund investments to its portfolio last year.

Hedge Funds
Southwest Plan Seeking Marketable Alternatives Managers

Plan is in the midst of an RFP for marketable alternatives managers originally approved last year.

Industry News
Nonprofits Say Non-Traditional Portfolios Will Be Crucial Over Next Decade: Survey

Diversified and actively managed portfolios will be the best way for nonprofits to meet their spending needs in a continually challenging market environment over the next several years, according to a recent survey.

New England University Completes Investment Restructuring Ahead Of Schedule

A university in New England completed its organizational and investment restructuring plan more than a year ahead of its planned schedule.

Asset Study/Review
New England University To Review A/A, Makes HF Changes

A university in New England will review its asset allocation at a spring meeting, where its outsourced cio may adjust targets.

Industry News
Midwest Healthcare Plan Searching For New Investment Positions

A Midwestern healthcare plan is looking to fill two newly created investment positions for it multi-billion-dollar alternatives portfolio.

Hedge Funds
Texas Employees, PAAMCO Launchpad Seed Emerging Hedge Fund

Launch marks the second to result from a co-investment platform initiated in 2018.

Industry News
Nonprofit News Special Report: 2021 Alternative Investments Outlook

Alternatives will play an even more critical role in helping nonprofits reach spending plus inflation targets in 2021 as they seek income and downside protection that low-yielding bonds markets and equity markets cannot.
