Hedge Funds

Industry News
Midwest University Searching For Senior Director

A university based in the Midwest is seeking a senior director for its liquid investments portfolio.

Hedge Funds
Virginia Plan Adds Hedge Fund Investment

A Virginia pension plan added a $41 million hedge fund investment at this week’s board meeting.

Hedge Funds
Northeast Plan Begins Hedge Fund Partner Search

A pension fund in the Northeast has begun its search for a hedge fund manager partner

Private Equity
Northeast Plan Bolsters Private Equity Portfolio

A Northeastern pension plan approved a private equity commitment at a meeting today.

Texas Plan Discloses New Commitments

A Texas-based pension plan disclosed $375 million in new commitments made last month.

Asset Study/Review
Michigan Plan Tweaks Asset Allocation

A Michigan pension plan cut its target asset allocation to hedge funds in half and redirected the assets to U.S. equity at today’s board meeting.

Industry News
Virtual Due Diligence Benefits Don’t Outweigh In-Person: Webinar

Pandemic leads to better access to top-level staff at investment management firms, but nothing compares to face-to-face due diligence.

Hedge Funds
Northeast Plan To Issue Hedge Fund Partner RFP

A Northeastern pension plan will issue an RFP for a firm to help invest in direct hedge fund managers going forward.

Mid-Atlantic State Plan Discloses New Investments

A Mid-Atlantic state pension plan disclosed more than $2.1 billion in new investments at today’s investment meeting.

Northwest Plan Eyes Future Consultant Interviews

A Northwestern pension plan will hold finalist interviews with three general investment consultant firms once in-person meetings can be held.
