Hedge Funds

Northeast Plan Concludes PE Consultant Search

A Northeast pension plan made a hire in its private equity consultant search at its board meeting today.

Absolute Return
New England Plan Approves Absolute Return Redemption

A New England pension plan approved a full redemption from an absolute return manager at a meeting today.

Florida Plan Makes Fixed-Income Hire

A Florida firefighters and police officers pension fund added a second domestic fixed-income manager at its board meeting yesterday.

Hedge Funds
Northeast University System Adds HF Investment

A Northeastern university system invested in a new hedge fund manager last quarter.

Texas Plan Redeems Two Hedge Funds

A Texas-based pension plan has agreed to redeem a pair of hedge fund investments.

Industry News
Blueprint Sues New Jersey For Racial Bias, Improper Document Distribution

Firm has sued the New Jersey State Treasury for racial bias and the funneling of proprietary documents to a competitor in setting up a fund in the same “FAIR” program.

Hedge Funds
Great Lakes Plan Makes Global L/S Manage. Hires

A Great Lakes pension plan hired two global long/short hedged equity managers at today’s board meeting.

Private Equity
Texas Hoses Plan Makes PE Commitment

A Texas-based pension fund made a $30 million private equity commitment at its board meeting today.

Hedge Funds
Eastern Plan Eyes Hedge Fund & Alt. Risk Premia Commitments

An Eastern state plan received several hedge fund and alternative risk premia investment recommendations last month.

Great Lakes Plan Discloses Commitments; Slates A/L Study Review

A state pension plan in the Great Lakes region disclosed first quarter alternatives commitments and is scheduled to review the results of an asset/liability study next week.
