A Northeastern consulting firm is seeking hedge fund-of-funds on behalf of two pension clients in the region.
A West Coast trust fund has approved maiden hires for its new risk mitigating and private equity portfolios.
An Eastern state plan disclosed several commitments as part of its initial allocation to alternative risk premia.
A pension fund in the South made hires to replace a previously terminated U.S. small-cap equity manager and to complement its existing non-U.S. equity lineup.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan added a pair of real estate commitments and redeemed a hedge fund investment at yesterday’s board meeting.
A Midwestern pension plan will review its alternatives portfolio next month and could initiate searches as a result.
A university based in the Midwest is seeking a senior director for its liquid investments portfolio.
A Virginia pension plan added a $41 million hedge fund investment at this week’s board meeting.
A pension fund in the Northeast has begun its search for a hedge fund manager partner
A Northeastern pension plan approved a private equity commitment at a meeting today.