A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of distressed debt commitments at Wednesday’s board meeting.
A Texas-based fund is developing an alternative emerging manager program outline and will focus on two alternative strategies.
A Southern university will review its strategic plan and asset allocation early next year with the help of its general investment consultant.
A West Coast retiree trust fund will search for private equity, real estate and global macro managers beginning in February.
A Florida pension fund will interview a hedge fund-of-funds manager at its January board meeting.
A Texas-based university will consider investing in a hedge fund manager and committing to a private equity fund.
A Northeastern liberal arts college hired an investment analyst this summer from an outsourced cio firm.
A Southwestern pension plan committed to four alternatives funds last month.
A Pennsylvania-based university is pursuing renewable energy investments.
A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.