A Southeastern pension plan approved the hire of a new hedge fund-of-funds manager this month.
A Southeastern pension plan eliminated its hedge fund allocation this week.
Some market tailwinds like strong equity markets may slow but the asset class will grow.
A pension fund in the Northeast made hedge fund and private equity hires in the fourth quarter.
A Methodist foundation in the South added domestic equity and hedge fund investments to its portfolio last year.
A Northwestern pension plan eliminated its diversifying strategies allocation as part of new strategic targets approved last month.
Nonprofits should focus on the purpose various alternative asset classes serve in their portfolio across market cycles as the unprecedented bull market continues into 2020, industry experts say.
A Southern university foundation added a private equity commitment and two hedge fund investments in the fourth quarter.
A pension fund on the West Coast has disclosed seven alternatives commitments.
A California county has issued an RFP for a separate account manager to create an emerging manager hedge fund program.