Hedge Funds

Private Equity
Pennsylvania University Pursues Energy Investments

A Pennsylvania-based university is pursuing renewable energy investments.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University System Slowly Transitioning To New Target Asset Allocation

A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.

Midwest Plan Hires Credit Managers

A Midwestern pension plan made a pair of credit manager hires at this week’s meeting.

Hedge Funds
Texas Plan Approves Global Macro Search, Narrows Debt Search

A pension plan in Texas approved a search for global macro managers at a meeting this week.

Hedge Funds
East Coast Plan Hires Hedge Fund Manager

A police and fire pension plan on the East Coast has made a hedge fund hire following interviews.

Hedge Funds
Midwest Plan Seeking Absolute Return Products

A Midwestern pension plan is seeking absolute return products.

Hedge Funds
Calif. County Eyes Emerging Manager HF Program

A California public pension fund is looking to create a $200 million emerging manager hedge fund program.

Hedge Funds
Windy City Plan Axes HF Mgr.; Names Executive Director

A Windy City pension plan terminated one manager and named its new executive director.

Hedge Funds
Southwest Plan Bolsters Absolute Return, Private Equity Portfolios

A Southwestern pension plan added investments within its absolute return and private equity portfolios.

Conference Coverage
Private Investments May Do More Harm Than Good For Nonprofits: Session

Foundations and endowments may be their own worst enemy when it comes to investing in private equity and hedge funds.
