Hedge Funds

Industry News Hedge Funds Alternatives
F&E's Not Asking for Hedge Fund Fee Reductions Despite Poor Performance: NEPC
Foundations and endowments have identified performance and fees as the largest challenges to their
Industry News Hedge Funds Alternatives
Headlines On Hedge Fund Redemptions Not Telling Whole Story: Arnerich Massena
Despite headlines focusing on investors opting to withdraw from hedge funds, the strategies still
Hedge Funds Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Maryland Plan Rehires Summit; Redistributes Visium Assets
The $2.4 billion City of Baltimore Fire & Police Employees’ Retirement System retained its general
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
MassPRIM Makes Private Commitments
The $60.4 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board made three private
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Calif. Hospital Eyes Global Macro Managers
El Camino Hospital received a recommendation to seek two new global macro hedge fund managers at
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Akron Foundation To Seek Liquid Hedge Strategy
The $156 million Akron (Ohio) Community Foundation will seek a liquid long/short hedge fund
Hedge Funds Alternatives Private Equity
Florida Atlantic Approves Hedge Fund, PE Investments
The $204 million Florida Atlantic University Foundation approved several alternatives investments
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Boston Foundation Hires Two Managers
The Boston Foundation added two new managers to its Balanced Plus Investment Pool and Balanced
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
St. Louis Public Schools Discusses Mid-Cap Search; Narrows PE FoF
The $828 million Public School Retirement System of St. Louis asked general investment consultant
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Wisconsin Discloses Nearly $1.5 Billion In New Commitments
The $102 billion State of Wisconsin Investment Board made nearly $1.5 billion in new alternatives