Hedge Funds

Hedge Funds Alternatives
Pa. Teamsters Seeking Hedge Fund-of-Funds
The $914 million Central Pennsylvania Teamsters Pension Plan is currently conducting a hedge
Hedge Funds Alternatives
Fresno County To Add 5 Hedge Fund Investments
The $4 billion Fresno County (Calif.) Employees’ Retirement Association approved $150 million in
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Adams County Slates Private Equity Presentations
The $228 million Adams County (Colo.) Retirement Plan will hear private equity manager
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Milwaukee Employees Funds EME Manager; Increases Absolute Return Allocation
The $4.8 billion Milwaukee Employees’ Retirement System has funded its new dedicated emerging
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Harris Health to Review Bank Loan Managers
Harris Health System will review bank loan managers to fill out a maiden 5% allocation to the asset
Hedge Funds Alternatives Equity
Florida St. Hires Global Equity Mgr.; Replaces Hedge Funds
The approximately $500 million Florida State University Foundation added a global equity manager to
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Baltimore Museum Hires Diverse Managers
The $116 million Walters Art Museum endowment recently hired four diverse investment managers to
Industry News People Moves Hedge Funds
Stony Brook Foundation CIO Joins Hedge Fund
Former Stony Brook Foundation CIO Erin Abouzaid joined hedge fund manager Hutchin Hill Capital in
Hedge Funds Alternatives Credit/Private Debt
NJ DOI Makes Hedge Fund Redemptions
The $71.9 billion New Jersey Division of Investment has submitted several redemptions as part of an
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Small-Cap
Nebraska Plan Targets New Asset Classes
The $1.1 billion Omaha (Neb.) School Employees Retirement System has adopted a new asset allocation