The plan expects to issue the RFP later this month and make a selection in the third quarter.
The university foundation added several strategies spanning private equity, domestic equity, commodities and high-yield and investment grade fixed-income within its endowment last year.
The plan placed the firm on probation status at a meeting this week due to asset outflows.
The firm was placed on watch for underperformance.
The plan has issued the RFPs after approving the searches last month.
The plan’s previous manager did not submit a proposal in a search launched this summer.
The plan will seek board approval to terminate a high-yield fixed-income manager and an emerging markets equity manager.
The plan will begin with a mid-cap growth equity manager search in January.
The plan will first issue the fixed-income and private equity RFPs in the next two months.
He will retire from the firm in the first quarter of 2023.