She will help manage three high-yield strategies.
The selected manager will handle a mandate between $75 million and $90 million.
The plan has issued its RFP seeking high-yield fixed-income managers.
The fund primarily invests in high-yield corporate bonds of varying maturities.
A Northwestern 457 deferred compensation plan terminated three investment managers to simplify its investment menu.
The plan committed to an existing value-add real estate manager.
Plan will conduct a search for high-yield fixed-income managers due to impending contract expirations and hired a new general investment consultant.
A Northeastern church pension plan added private equity, real estate and high-yield fixed-income investments during its June board meeting.
A 529 plan based in the West has reissued its RFP seeking a program manager as its board elected to reject all proposals received in its previous search as they did not meet the searches requirements.
The new hire serves as the lead manager of the high-yield bondĀ fund.