Princeton, Harvard and Yale generated robust returns for their endowments in recent years, fueled in part by billions of dollars of investments in private equity and venture capital. That golden era appears to be over, at least for now.
Further proving that venture investors have more dry powder than ever before, this week started with a flurry of venture capital fund close announcements across sectors and stages.
The retirement plan provider business isn’t sexy, but it’s huge. The Investment Company Institute counted $10.4 trillion in defined contribution plan assets at the end of the first quarter, $7.3 trillion of that in 401(k) plans.
Many states and regions lack the access to capital found in major metropolitan areas. In-state private equity programs help bridge that gap while also providing returns for beneficiaries.
PEI caught up with global wealth management head Raj Dhanda and newly appointed head of Asia wealth management solutions Henry Lee to discuss its expansion into the region.