Kuwait’s Public Institution for Social Security posted a record first-quarter investment profit following a reboot of its strategy as the pension fund put behind a corruption scandal involving a previous manager.
As the MBTA struggles through the pandemic with a drop in ridership and revenue, another pressing financial problem looms largely outside the public eye: the bleeding of the pension fund for T workers.
The trustees for the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System will ask the Arkansas General Assembly in the 2021 regular session to enact legislation that would phase in an increase in the 5%-of-salary rate charged to members who pay into the system, the trustees decided on Tuesday.
New Jersey’s pension fund returns were down 1.5% for the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the director of the Division of Investment said Wednesday.
The state of Kentucky, represented by Attorney General Daniel Cameron, is getting involved in a lawsuit that claims hedge fund firms and ex-officials of the commonwealth’s public pension system breached their fiduciary duty by arranging very risky investments.
Global pandemic underscores critical need for private equity investment as equality gap widens and issues of waste, energy efficiency and climate change become more pressing than ever due to COVID-19.