A university in New England made venture capital and private infrastructure commitments as part of its initiative to commit to positive impact funds related to climate change over the next five years.
The plan terminated an international large-cap equity manager as part of several changes to its overseas equity portfolio approved last month.
He will join the firm’s strategic opportunities platform in March.
The plan made three commitments in closed session at this week’s board meeting.
The plan will soon issue a new RFP after COVID disrupted last year’s search.
A Northwestern fund made commitments totaling roughly $1 billion.
The plan made a $20 million infrastructure commitment after finalist interviews at today’s meeting.
The plan made up to $350 million in new private commitments over the last quarter.
A global consortium of 22 investors including governments, philanthropies and institutional investors committed to the fundraise.
The plan will conduct three manager searches in the next three to six months.