A Mid-Atlantic pension plan will consider a maiden private infrastructure allocation at a meeting this week.
A Texas-based pension plan disclosed $375 million in new commitments made last month.
A Northeastern pension plan approved several commitments at a board meeting today.
A Mid-Atlantic-based university approved a new asset allocation framework as part of changes to its investment policy statement in the first quarter.
A Northwestern pension plan made an infrastructure commitment at its July board meeting.
A Florida police pension board made an infrastructure commitment at its board meeting this week.
A Northeastern pension plan added three new alternatives commitments and made some modest target allocation changes at this week’s meeting.
A New England pension fund has begun searching for managers in four asset classes.
A Windy City plan expects to hear educations on additional real assets strategies while it considers moving out of the commodities space.
A Virginia pension plan reviewed recent private markets commitments at today’s board meeting.