
Net-Zero Endowments Best Achieve Fossil Fuel Divestment Objectives: Stakeholders

The flexibility and environmental impacts of a portfolio targeting net-zero greenhouse gas emissions enhances the ability of endowments to support climate change solutions without sacrificing returns, according to endowments and their investment consultants.

5 Questions With Laura Kernaghan, Senior Director of Investments At The Chicago Community Trust

Kernaghan is senior director of investments at the Chicago Community Trust, leading its impact investments program of donor-advised funds. She took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.

Rising Inflation Challenges Endowments To Meet Future Return Targets: Study

College and university endowments posted “dramatically higher” investment returns in fiscal year 2021, however, the institutions foresee inflation as a longer-term issue posing as a challenge to meet return targets, according to a recent study.

Nonprofit News Special Report: 2022 Alternative Investments Outlook

The reliance on alternative investments led investors and allocators to pinpoint small, niche private equity managers, short-trading hedge funds and global private debt funds as key areas to capitalize on with the goal of yielding outsized returns.

Healthcare Investors See Opportunity In Tech-Focused Venture Funds, DEI Initiatives: Webinar

As healthcare industry assets continue to grow, investment professionals have reaped the benefits of private equity opportunities and will focus on venture capital, technology-related assets and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives to fuel further growth, according to a recent webinar.

Q&A With Rendel Solomon: Reflecting On The Past, Impacting The Future

Solomon recently sat down with FIN News Editor Matthew McCue to discuss his views on the asset management industry’s efforts on diversity.

Managers Must Differentiate Their Brand To Win New Business In A Post Pandemic World: Webinar

Investment managers must effectively differentiate their brand now more than ever, as institutional investors plan on adding fewer new managers over the next year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent webinar.

New England University Provides Update On Endowment Transition To Greenhouse Gas Neutrality

A university in New England has reduced its overall exposure to fossil fuels to less than 2% of its endowment as part of its initiative to transition its portfolio to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.

Endowments Must Explore Non-Core Positions To Meet Targeted Returns Amid Uncertain Market Environment: Study

Institutions should take a fresh look at financial and investment strategies to address challenges to their business models and maintain optimal asset allocations to meet a 7.5% historical return target, particularly in the face of a long-term era of muted returns, according to a recent study.

Daily Feed
Five Questions With Joyce Foundation CIO And Treasurer Nickol Hackett

Hackett took the time to answer five questions from FIN News.
