A public utility plan in New England has hired a new international equity manager
A New England pension plan will consider termination of two equity mandates at a future meeting.
A Northeast pension plan terminated an international equity manager at today’s board meeting.
A Texas pension plan narrowed its emerging markets equity search to three finalists last week.
A Mid-Atlantic state plan has disclosed a new hire and private commitments.
A Florida pension plan has approved a new public market portfolio structure that will see the elimination of five existing active managers as part of changes aimed at reducing duplication and increasing liquidity and reduce fees.
A pension fund in New England has begun a search for international equity managers.
A West Coast deferred compensation plan placed three funds on watch at a meeting today.
A Mid-Atlantic pension fund has made changes within its non-U.S. equity and fixed-income portfolios.
A Great Lakes employee pension plan made domestic large-cap value equity and fixed-income manager changes last quarter.