A pension fund on the West Coast has placed Fisher Investments on watch following a recommendation from its consultant.
A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of distressed debt commitments at Wednesday’s board meeting.
A Northeastern pension plan placed an international equity manager on watch this week.
A college savings plan in a Western state is considering changing its fund options.
A Southeastern pension plan narrowed its emerging market debt manager search last week.
A West Coast pension fund will consider termination or watch status for Fisher Investments.
A California pension plan added a pair of private equity commitments and will review responses in its ongoing search for domestic small-cap equity emerging managers.
A Northeast pension plan will issue RFPs for global low volatility managers and domestic small-cap equity managers.
A pension fund in the Southwest disclosed three private markets commitments and one manager termination within its long-only portfolio.
A Florida firefighters pension fund selected a new domestic large-cap value equity manager at its meeting this week.