A Northeastern state plan has terminated six firms as a result of a recently approved developed markets equity portfolio structure.
A pension fund in New England has begun searches for international small-cap equity and emerging market debt managers.
A Southeastern pension plan is scheduled to discuss an emerging market debt RFP this week.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan approved a recommendation to replace a pair of equity managers.
A Mid-Atlantic pension plan was slated to approve a recommendation to replace a pair of equity managers.
A Midwestern pension plan wrapped up searches for U.S. small-cap growth and emerging market debt managers in July.
A Southeastern pension plan terminated its two global fixed-income managers at a meeting last month.
A Texas-based university approved full redemptions from a hedged equity and real assets manager last month.
A Washington, D.C.-based organization is searching for funds that support growth, expansion, business development, spin-outs, management buyouts, restructuring and/or privatizations in select countries.
A state pension fund in the South has concluded its emerging markets equity and domestic micro-cap equity searches.