A Pennsylvania pension plan made a decision in its international equity manager search.
A county pension fund on the West Coast has begun a search for emerging markets equity managers.
A Texas-based university will consider full redemptions from a hedged equity and real assets manager today.
A Northeast pension fund has Issued RFPs seeking international equity and high-yield fixed-income managers
A Southeastern pension plan is scheduled to approve a search for a global fixed-income alternative.
A Western deferred compensation plan terminated two managers at a meeting this week.
A Western deferred compensation plan terminated a global large-cap value equity manager this month.
West Coast transportation plan has hired two private credit managers to fill a maiden allocation to the asset class.
A state fund in the Western U.S. altered its portfolio alongside changes to its investment manager rooster during a recent board meeting.
A Nevada-based deferred compensation plan will review potential international small-cap equity and emerging markets equity manager replacement options.