An OPEB Trust located on the East Coast made maiden investments in emerging markets equity and global fixed-income.
Foundations continue to shy away from alternative asset classes and have reduced spending in light of lower expected returns, according to a recent study from an investment consulting firm.
A Western state plan is considering altering its portfolio along with changes to its investment manager roster at its board meeting today.
A West Coast transit plan will consider an index approach to replace its emerging markets equity manager.
A police plan in the Midwest is conducting a search for emerging market debt managers.
A Midwest state plan has issued an RFP for up to two active emerging markets equity managers.
A Midwest state teachers plan made and liquidated several investments this week.
A pension plan in the Southeast disclosed a slew of new private commitments.
A state employees’ pension fund in the Northeast disclosed more than $1.1 billion in new commitments.
A California-based pension plan will conduct searches in both the domestic and international equity spaces.