International / Global / Emerging Markets

Texas Pension Axes Small-Cap Growth Manager

The Lone Star State retirement fund terminated one equity manager and placed another two on watch this week.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Set To Review A/A, Global Equity Portfolio

The university expects its discretionary provider to conduct a review of its strategic asset allocation during the third quarter and a separate review of its global equity portfolio during the fourth quarter.

Western Endowment Narrows Finalists In Global Equity Search, Selects Large-Cap Growth Mgr.

The fund has narrowed its search for a new global equity manager for its portfolio to three finalists and selected a firm in its domestic large-cap growth equity manager search at its board meeting this week.

Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
Midwest Pension Slates EMD, Secondaries Searches

Plan is eyeing searches for active emerging market debt and private markets secondaries strategies following initial discussion earlier this month.

Florida Board Discloses Q2 Investments

The plan disclosed recent commitments from both the public and private markets.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Calif. Pension Plan Axes Emerging Markets Equity

The plan agreed to redistribute its dedicated emerging markets equity allocation to developed markets equity, private equity, private credit and commodities this week.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Plan Posts International Equity RFP

The plan is seeking international core, growth and value equity managers to handle roughly $600 million.

California Plan Mulling Bond Portfolio Changes

The proposed portfolio structure would result in searches for core, credit, U.S. Treasury, emerging market debt, securitized products and bank loans.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Missouri Pension Approves Int’l Small-Cap Search

The retirement system’s general investment consultant will return to next month’s board meeting with an international small-cap equity search.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Pension Board Terminates Equity Mgrs.; Approves PE Commitment

The board was notified of two recent equity manager terminations and a new private equity commitment.
