International / Global / Emerging Markets

Asset Study/Review
Southern Education System Mulling A/A Changes

The education system will consider revisions to the target asset allocation for its portfolio as part of changes to its investment policy statement at a special meeting today.

Southern Institution Terminates Public Equity, EME, HF Investments

The institution will come back with a recommendation on how to redeploy the assets from recently terminated public equity and hedge fund managers at a future meeting.

Passive Equity
Calif. Plan Slates Public Markets Passive Mgmt. RFP For OPEB

The plan expects to issue the RFP later this month and make a selection in the third quarter.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern Plan Launches Multi-Asset Credit Search

Plan is searching for a multi-asset credit manager to fill a maiden allocation to the asset class.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Calif. Plan To Review International Equity Manager Restructuring

The plan will receive a recommendation to approve a new manager structure for the asset class that will result in eliminations and subsequent searches.

New England Plan Begins GTAA Mgr. Search

The plan’s incumbent manager was first hired in 2004.

Western University Increases Maximum Equity Allocations

The university adjusted its investment policy to allow for increases to its equity portfolio following a recommendation from its investment advisor to diversify and enhance portfolio returns.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southeast Plan Eyes EME Manager Liquidation

The plan will seek approval to liquidate a $51 million mandate, with $15 million going to cash and the remainder to international equity.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southern Teachers Plan Begins Int’l Equity, Real Estate Searches

The plan has begun searches for international equity and core and non-core real estate managers.

West Coast Plan Approves General Investment Consultant Search

The current consultant will see its contract expire this year.
