The plan added a private equity commitment with an existing manager and two real assets commitments with a new manager last week.
The plan made a venture capital fund-of-funds commitment with a new manager last week.
Plan added a 5% target to private debt at the expense of emerging market debt.
The European core-plus real estate manager will help move the plan closer to its 15% real estate target.
The firm will cease investment operations on June 30.
Plan added two new fixed-income managers in a revamped global bond portfolio at this week’s meeting.
The plan’s emerging-manager-of-managers is replacing an international equity firm due to a personnel change.
The search is for a manager to handle six index funds.
The search is due to the expiring contracts of two incumbents managing a total of $440 million.
The new semi-liquid multi-sector manager will handle a roughly $250 million mandate for the plan.