New York-based Welton is a global macro and ESG investment manager with $1.3 billion in assets under management.
Plan is looking to fill a new $700 million allocation to global credit and conduct due diligence on its passive investment managers.
The plan will issue RFPs this quarter after canceling previous search due to COVID.
A Virginia-based pension plan added commitments with new and existing managers in September and made several changes to its fund lineup over the past fiscal year.
The plan’s current emerging markets equity manager stands to lose two mandates.
The plan is seeking a complementary manager to the incumbent small-cap strategy within its emerging markets equity portfolio.
The plan will interview three firms later this month in a search to replace incumbent LMCG Investments.
The plan made commitments totaling roughly $245.5 million with four existing managers and one new manager in November.
A foundation in the Northeast swapped emerging markets equity managers this year as it decided it was an opportune time to make the change.
Program hired a new manager to handle the international equity portfolio for its prepaid college program in the third quarter.