International / Global / Emerging Markets

Mass. Plan Concludes Two Equity Searches

The plan rehired one incumbent equity manager and moved another manager’s mandate to a passive portfolio.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest State To Consider Global Equity Portfolio Changes; Appoints ED

A Midwestern state plan will consider eliminating its global equity allocation at a future meeting.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Calif. County Authorizes EME Search, RE Pacing Plan

The plan approved an emerging markets equity manager search and new real estate pacing plan yesterday.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
West Coast Plan Selects EME Managers

The hires require board approval next month and conclude an RFP process that began in March.

People Moves
Morgan Stanley EMD PM Steps Back

His co-managers will continue to oversee his two funds.

Asset Study/Review
Canadian University Revises Asset Allocation

A university in Canada approved a new benchmark allocation for its endowment in the 2021 fiscal year, significantly increasing its allocation to global equity.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan To Consider Overseas Equity Portfolio Changes

The plan will consider shifting its active international large-cap equity manager to a passive option this week.

Non-U.S. & Global Fixed-Income
Vontobel Launches Emerging Market Fixed-Income Strategies

The three new strategies provide U.S. investors first-time access to Vontobel’s $25 billion fixed-income boutique.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southeast Plan Approves EME, Int’l Small-Cap Hires

Plans add emerging markets equity and international small-cap investments for diversification purposes.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Approves EME, Passive Index RFPs

The plan will issue RFPs early next year for emerging markets equity and index managers.
