The plan will conduct searches for private equity and emerging markets equity managers.
A university in New England has hired a new global equity manager and committed to a venture capital firm this year.
The plan will relaunch an emerging markets equity search tomorrow and begin a domestic core fixed-income search next month.
A California plan agreed to initiate a real estate search following approval of a new asset allocation policy yesterday.
Plan will conduct further due diligence on three firms in its domestic small-cap and small- to mid-cap equity emerging manager space.
A college in the Midwest has begun incorporating ESG considerations into its investment policy and hired an investment manager with a strategy built around ESG factors.
The plan will invest $10 million each with the blended currency managers.
The plan made changes to its non-U.S. equity portfolio from a search initiated in November.
Plan agreed to terminate a dedicated emerging markets small-cap manager at this week’s investment committee meeting.
A Northwestern state fund hired three global active equity managers and added two private markets commitments at its board meeting today.