A foundation in the South added a global equity manager and replaced an international small-cap equity manager within its endowment in the first quarter.
Both plans hired an emerging markets equity manager in January.
The plan made a hire in its shortlist search to replace an incumbent that closed in 2020.
The plan named four contenders for its emerging markets equity search and concluded its non-U.S. small-cap search.
The $845 million transaction is expected to close in the fourth quarter.
The plan is conducting the search due to the contract expiration of its incumbent manager, which was previously rehired in 2017.
The search for a manager to handle between $40 million and $50 million and is part of state requirements.
The plan is searching for international equity managers to handle between $18 million and $25 million.
The plan has issued RFPs for international growth and international small-cap equity managers.
A Midwest pension plan has begun searches for U.S. and global growth equity managers as well as international and global equity managers.