A plan based on the West Coast added a bank loan strategy as part of the adoption of a new asset allocation last month.
The plan has begun its large-cap growth equity manager search.
The plan will interview three finalists for its large-cap growth search.
The plans will interview three firms in addition to the incumbent in its domestic large-cap value equity manager search.
The plan made a change in its large-cap growth mandate due to underperformance.
A Midwestern deferred compensation program concluded its search to replace a domestic large-cap value equity manager.
The plan is conducting a comparative domestic large-cap growth equity manager search.
Plan terminated its active domestic large-cap growth equity manager due to declining firm and strategy assets.
The plan will review alternatives to its incumbent international large-cap equity fund, which was placed on watch in May.
The plan liquidated two of its active domestic large-cap growth equity mandates in an effort to consolidate the portfolio.