The plan approved a $10 million investment in the manager at its board meeting today.
The plan made selections following interviews with two firms due to underperformance from incumbent managers.
He will help manage the firm’s flagship fund focused on enterprise software, data and technology.
The plan made the move following an investment team departure from the incumbent active manager.
Plan’s investment advisory committee agreed to endorse a private markets consultant recommendation that will require full board approval later this month.
Plan approved a new Standard & Poor’s 500 Index fund provider in a cost savings measure this week.
A Midwestern plan made several changes to its equity and fixed-income portfolios as part of its transition to a new long-term asset allocation policy.
The plan expects to conduct three total searches this year as part of a search scheduled from its consultant.
The plan approved a hire at today’s board meeting following an RFP issued in December 2019.
The plan will interview to active, concentrated firms to potentially replace its existing large-cap growth managers.