A Northeastern pension plan placed an international equity manager on watch last quarter.
A Michigan pension plan expects to review a domestic large-cap growth equity manager search conducted by its general investment consultant.
A Michigan pension plan will interview three domestic large-cap growth equity managers following a search report presented by its general investment consultant.
A New England pension plan voted to terminate a domestic large-cap value equity manager at a meeting today.
A Southern pension fund has begun searching for a domestic small-cap equity manager after its incumbent shuttered.
A Florida fire pension fund will interview three domestic large-cap growth equity firms next month to potentially replace an incumbent manager.
A Florida firefighters pension fund will receive a domestic large-cap growth equity search report at its board meeting this week.
A Midwestern university foundation hired a domestic large-cap equity manager last month.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued its RFP seeking domestic large-cap value equity managers.
A Michigan pension plan has narrowed a distressed debt search to a single finalist.