A Southwestern pension fund has begun its search for large-cap value equity manager to handle up to $100 million.
A Midwestern pension plan will issue an RFP for private equity co-investment consulting services later this month.
A Midwest pension fund is gearing up to release a domestic large-cap value RFP next week.
A Northeastern pension plan has issued its RFPs for passive domestic large-cap equity managers.
A police pension fund in the Southeast has begun a search for domestic large-cap value equity managers.
A Florida-based police and fire pension fund is looking to create a 5% target to infrastructure and made a domestic equity manager change at its meeting last week.
A Northeast plan has made a change in managers resulting from its domestic large-cap value equity search.
A Southeastern pension plan terminated a large-cap equity manager last quarter.
A Southeastern pension plan recently terminated a domestic large-cap growth equity manager and will review replacements next month.
A Northeastern pension plan placed a domestic large-cap equity manager on watch in November.