The retirement system will discuss a passive approach for its large-cap core mandate.
The plan also named finalists in its domestic large-cap value equity manager search.
The pension plan hired two domestic large-cap growth equity managers as part of an ongoing shortlist search and terminated two existing managers.
The plan is considering shifting its small- and mid-cap manager relationships as part of a broader discussion about the domestic equity portfolio.
The fund has narrowed its search for a new global equity manager for its portfolio to three finalists and selected a firm in its domestic large-cap growth equity manager search at its board meeting this week.
The pension plan will consider hiring two domestic large-cap growth equity managers later this month as part of an ongoing shortlist search.
The plan added a new domestic large-cap growth equity option to its lineup in May.
The plan is seeking passive large-cap equity providers and is also interested in firms with passive small-cap offerings.
The plan concluded a domestic large-cap growth equity manager search in the second quarter.
The trust split its domestic large-cap value equity allocation with an additional manager hire last quarter.