The fund approved the addition of an active fixed-income manager to its lineup at a meeting yesterday.
The plan approved the hire of a domestic mid-cap growth equity manager at a meeting last week.
Plan is seeking a domestic small- or small- to mid-cap equity manager to fill a recent gap in its emerging manager program stemming from a graduation.
The plan’s investment committee will recommend the hire of a domestic mid-cap growth equity manager at a meeting this week.
He will help oversee small-cap core and small- to mid-cap equity strategies, the firm said.
The search will fill a new target to domestic mid-cap value equity established following an asset/liability study.
The plan begins a new search and wraps up an existing one.
A Midwestern plan made several changes to its equity and fixed-income portfolios as part of its transition to a new long-term asset allocation policy.
The plan will begin a domestic small-cap growth equity search in the next couple of weeks to be followed by core bond and small-cap value searches.
The new structure results in three manager terminations.