
Domestic Equity
Texas Plan Axes Smid-Cap Growth Manager

A Texas-based pension plan will terminate its relationship with a domestic small- to mid-cap growth equity manager at the end of the month.

Daily Feed
Florida Plan Conducting Smid-Cap Searches

A Florida general employees pension plan is searching for domestic small- to mid-cap growth and value equity managers to potentially replace its incumbent managers.

Domestic Equity
Midwest Plan Delays U.S. Small-Cap, Mid-Cap Core Interviews

A Midwestern pension plan has delayed its domestic small-cap and mid-cap equity manager interviews due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Domestic Equity
Illinois Plan Axes U.S. Smid-Cap Mgr.; Eyes Replacement RFP

An Illinois pension plan will consider issuing an RFP after terminating a domestic small- to mid-cap equity manager this month.

Asset Study/Review
Southwest Plan Approves A/A, New Asset Classes

A Southwestern pension plan will introduce several new asset classes after approving a new target asset allocation this week.

Daily Feed
West Coast DC Plan Delays Core Investment, Stable Value RFPs

A city deferred compensation plan on the West Coast has delayed issuance of its core investment and stable value RFPs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Florida Plan Swaps Mid-Cap Value Managers

A Florida pension plan hired a new domestic mid-cap value equity manager at its February board meeting.

Northwest Plan Swaps Mid-Cap Growth Managers

An employee pension plan in the Pacific Northwest swapped domestic mid-cap growth equity managers this week.

Domestic Equity Small-Cap Mid-Cap
Southeast Plan Approves Int’l Equity Changes; Slates Search

A Southeastern pension plan will conduct a shortlist international small-cap equity manager search.

Domestic Equity
Midwest Plan Narrows U.S. Small-Cap, Mid-Cap Core Searches

A Midwest pension plan selected domestic small- and mid-cap core equity finalists this week.
