A pension plan in the Great Lakes region has hired two active domestic small- to mid-cap equity managers last quarter.
A Midwestern pension plan is slated to approve an RFP for active domestic mid-cap value equity managers next month.
A Southeast pension plan has concluded its search for domestic mid-cap equity managers.
A first responders plans in the Great Lakes region will hold domestic small-cap core equity finalist interviews next week.
A county deferred compensation plan in California has concluded its search for a domestic mid-cap value equity manager.
Plan intends to scour the international small- to mid-cap equity manager space after placing to international small-cap firms on watch last month.
An Ohio fund may discuss a search for domestic mid-cap value equity managers next month.
A mid-Atlantic pension plan will conduct manager searches to fill out a recently approved asset allocation.
A deferred compensation plan in the West is conducting a shortlist replacement search for two domestic equity managers.