The plan was slated to discuss potentially replacing an existing manager as part of a review at today’s board meeting.
The Northeastern-based consulting firm is searching for core, value and growth mangers to handle at least $200 million.
The plans opted to move their mid-cap core portfolios to index funds for the foreseeable future.
The plan will consider replacing its international small-cap equity mandate with MFS Investment Management in May.
The plan hired a domestic small- to mid-cap core equity manager from a search that began in September.
The plan will search for an active domestic mid-cap equity to handle approximately $10 million.
Plan terminated a domestic small- to mid-cap equity firm and redistributed assets to its existing managers.
The plan is swapping domestic small- to mid-cap value equity managers this month and will have further discussions on direct lending at its February board meeting.
The plan terminated two existing managers and added commitments totaling roughly $912 million in October.
Five-member value team expects to officially spinout as a new, Boston-based firm in the first quarter.