MRI/Social Investments

MRI/Social Investments
West Coast Healthcare Plan Increases Capital For Social Impact Investment Fund

Plan doubled the size of its social impact investment fund to $400 million from $200 million at its launch in 2018.

Washington D.C. Nonprofit Selects OCIOs

The nonprofit hired two firms as partner outsourced cios following an invitation-only RFP process last year.

MRI/Social Investments
West Coast Endowment Announces Social Bond Investments

The endowment made $30 million in initial investments from its $300 million social bond, which was issued in early 2021.

New SEC Rule Requires Caution: Consultant Working Group

A working group of consultants has submitted a letter expressing reservations about a new rule from the Securities & Exchange Commission requiring climate disclosures for public companies.

MRI/Social Investments
Canadian University Makes Impact Investments

The university has added two commitments as part of its initiative to invest 5% of its portfolio in impact investments, while reducing the carbon footprint of its portfolio over the last two years.

Daily Feed
Western Foundation Eyes Investment Associate

The associate will help in all facets of portfolio oversight as the foundation is looking to add capacity to help maximize its endowment and program-related investments and manage a complex, larger, more mission-aligned portfolio.

MRI/Social Investments
Northwest State DC Plans Seeking SRI Mgr.

Plans’ incumbent socially responsible manager Boston Trust Walden is invited to rebid.

5 Questions With Laura Kernaghan, Senior Director of Investments At The Chicago Community Trust

Kernaghan is senior director of investments at the Chicago Community Trust, leading its impact investments program of donor-advised funds. She took the time to answer 5 questions with FIN News.

People Moves
New England Fund Seeks Impact Investment Director

First director of impact investment strategy will lead and direct the fund’s endowment after it updated its investment strategy to align the management of the portfolio with its mission and values, including racial, social and economic justice.

MRI/Social Investments
Harvard Creating Endowment For Slavery Reparations

The $100 million commitment will address educational, social and economic disparities caused by its “extensive entanglements with slavery.”
