Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast School Board Issues Investment Manager RFP

A Southeastern school board has issued an RFP for investment management services.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southwest City Begins Investment Advisor Search

A Southwestern city has issued an RFP seeking an investment advisor.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Rocky Mountain Town Posts Investment Services RFI

A town in the Rocky Mountains has issued an RFI seeking investment services related to its local government investment pool.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western City Approves Investment Manager Hire

A Western city approved a manager hire for its investment portfolio this week.

Searches And Hires
Kansas Foundation Rehires Investment Manager

A foundation based in Kansas has kept its investment manager following an RFP.

Searches And Hires
Northeast State Treasurer Seeks Managers For College Savings Plans

A Northeastern state treasurer has issued an RFP seeking college savings plan managers.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast City Seeking 457 Plan Investment Advisor

A Southeastern city has issued an RFP for investment advisory services on behalf of its deferred compensation plan.

Conference Coverage
Behavioral Risk Must Factor Into Investment Management: Panel

Group think, herd mentality and confirmation bias are three key behavioral issues that can impact investment committees, according to panelists during the Resilience: Creating the All-Weather Portfolio session.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England University Wraps Up Investment Manager Search

A New England-based university wrapped up its search for an investment manager to handle its investment portfolio in the fourth quarter.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Oregon City Issues Investment Advisor RFP

An Oregon city issued an investment advisor RFP today.
