A Northeast town will make a hire in its investment advisor search this month.
A Texas-based fund is expected to hire two firms to handle billion dollar multi-asset class portfolios as strategic partners at its board meeting this week.
An Illinois fire district has issued an RFQ for investment advisory and retirement plan record keeping services.
A Canadian university voted to transfer approximately 20% of its endowment to a sustainable investment fund.
A township in Pennsylvania has issued an RFP seeking professional services for its pension plans.
A city in the Northwest has issued an RFP seeking investment management services.
A Canadian county has issued an RFP seeking investment management services.
A foundation in the South has issued a notice of a decision in its search for an investment manager.
Two former staff at a Wisconsin-based foundation have started a new advisory firm.
A Canadian county voted to retain its two investment managers following an RFP issued earlier this summer.