Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Surveys/Studies Equity Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Chicago Plan Terminates 3 Firms
The $1.2 billion Laborers’ and Retirement Board Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago has
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
N.Y. Town Selects Investment Advisor
The Town of Babylon (N.Y.) hired RBC Wealth Management as the investment advisor for its Length of
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Alternatives
While We Were Away…
*The $14.4 billion Los Angeles Water & Power Employees Retirement Plan has issued its RFP for
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
N.Y. Authority Selects Investment Advisor
The Onondaga County (N.Y.) Water Authority selected PFM Asset Management to provide investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Wisconsin City Seeking Investment Managers
The City of New Richmond (Wis.) has issued an RFQ for firms to handle its $3.9 million investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Township Hires New Investment Manager
Lower Allen Township (Pa.) approved the hire of Huntington Bancshares as the investment manager for
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Oregon City Approves Non-Discretionary Investment Manager Rehire
The City of Beaverton (Ore.) rehired Government Portfolio Advisors to provide non-discretionary
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
N.J. County Reissues Investment Management RFP
Hudson County (N.J.) has reissued its RFP seeking investment management, advisory and custodial
Fixed-Income Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Passive Fixed-Income
Louisiana Municipal Police Eliminates GTAA Portfolio
The $2 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System eliminated its global
Fixed-Income Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Passive Fixed-Income
Louisiana Municipal Police Eliminates GTAA Portfolio
The $2 billion Louisiana Municipal Police Employees Retirement System eliminated its global