Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Administrator - Bundled
Ga. County Makes Investment Manager/Trustee Hires
Glynn County (Ga.) approved hires in its search for investment management and
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor International / Global / Emerging Markets
New Orleans Employees Makes Maiden GTAA  Hires
The $384.5 million City of New Orleans Employees Retirement System hired two global tactical asset
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Texas School District Posts Investment Advisor RFP
The Mesquite (Texas) Independent School District has issued an RFP for investment advisory services
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Wyoming City Seeking Investment Advisory Services
The City of Cheyenne (Wyo.) has issued an RFP for a firm to provide investment advisory and
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Vermont Waste District Reevaluating Investment Advisor Search
The Chittenden (Vt.) Solid Waste District is reevaluating its options in its search for an
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Virginia County Hires Investment Manager
The County of Henrico (Va.) made an investment manager hire last quarter, according to recent board
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Deferred Compensation Administrator - Bundled
Alabama Housing Board Seeking Investment Advisor
The Mobile (Ala.) Housing Board has issued an RFP for investment advisory services for its current
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Administrator - Bundled
Ga. Plan Seeking Investment Mgmt., Administration Services
The $79 million Augusta (Ga.) Pension Plans has issued an RFP seeking investment management and
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Rhode Island Selects Investment Pool Manager
The Office of the Rhode Island General Treasurer elected to retain incumbent Fidelity Investments
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Hawaii County Seeking Investment Advisor
The County of Maui (Hawaii) has issued an RFP for a firm to manage its $320 million investment