Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Virginia County Posts Investment Mgmt. Services RFP
Hanover County (Va.) has issued an RFP for investment management services. The plan is seeking one
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Wisconsin County Issues Investment Manager RFP
Waukesha County (Wis.) has issued an RFP for investment management services. The county is seeking
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Canada City Seeking Investment Manager
The City of Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan, Canada) will issue an RFP for an investment manager for its
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Calif. County Hires PFM For Treasury Pool
The Tulare County (Calif.) Treasurer’s Office has hired PFM Asset Management as the sole investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Washington County Seeking Investment Pool Advisor
Clark County (Wash.) has issued an RFP for an investment advisor to assist the treasurer’s office
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Virginia City Posts Investment Advisor RFP
The City of Norfolk (Va.) has issued an RFP for investment advisory services for approximately $40
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Maryland City Seeking Discretionary Investment Manager
The City of Rockville (Md.) is searching for a firm to provide discretionary asset management
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
N.Y. Authority Posts Investment Advisor RFP
The Onondaga County (N.Y.) Water Authority has issued an RFP seeking investment advisory and
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
N.Y. Transportation Authority Seeking Investment Advisor
The Capital District Transportation Authority has issued an RFP seeking a firm to provide
Equity Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor International / Global / Emerging Markets
Texas Plan Selects Int'l Value Finalists; Hires Maiden Multi-Asset Mgr.
The $108 million Texas Emergency Services Retirement System will interview a pair of international