Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic College To Invest Largest Bequest In School History In Endowment

The college will receive an approximately $55 million gift – the largest bequest in the institution’s 140-year history – and invest approximately $50 million in its endowment.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England College Seeks Investment Mgmt. Services

The college is searching for a firm to grow its cash reserves through low-risk liquid investment instruments that provide competitive market returns.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England University Seeks Firm To Help Establish, Maintain Portfolio

The university is seeking a firm to help establish and maintain an investment portfolio for its cash flow requirements utilizing low risk portfolio strategies.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western Funds Select Finalist In Financial Advisor Search

The funds have completed the evaluation process and selected a finalist in its search for firms provide financial advisory, investment consulting and risk transfer advisory services.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southwest City Posts Investment Management RFP

The city is seeking services for its investment portfolio ranging in assets from $950 million to $1.2 billion.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southwest City Posts Investment Manager RFQ

The city is seeking a firm to provide discretionary investment advisory services for its $386 million portfolio.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southwest City Launches Investment Advisor RFP

The city conducted a similar search on behalf of four investment portfolios in 2013.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Fla. Authority Eyes Investment Advisor Rehire

The authority issued an RFQ in February after previously hiring its incumbent in 2018.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast City Posts Investment Advisor RFP

The city is seeking a firm to provide services for its two investment funds.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest University Rehires Manager

A university based in the Midwest has rehired an investment manager following a search process.
