Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Fresno County Treasury Seeking Advisor
The County of Fresno (Calif.) Treasury Investment Pool is looking for an investment advisor for its
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Plan Seeking Investment Advisor
Churchill Borough (Pa.) is searching for a firm to provide investment advisory services for its
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Fla. City Wraps Up Investment Advisor Search
The City of Miami Beach (Fla.) concluded an investment advisor search earlier this month, Senior
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Alabama Plan Issues Investment Mgr. & Consultant RFP
The $23 million Alabama Peace Officers’ Annuity & Benefit Fund is searching for an investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Colorado Fire District Selects First Investment Advisor
The North Metro Fire Rescue District hired its first investment advisor last week, CFO Lisa
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Pa. Plan Seeking Investment Management Services
The $4.4 million Pocono Township (Pa.) Police Pension Plan has issued an RFP for comprehensive
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Fla. School District Selects PFM
The School District of Indian River County (Fla.) has selected PFM Asset Management to serve as
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Ga. City Hires Genesis For Health Trust
The City of Covington (Ga.) has hired Genesis Employee Benefits as non-discretionary investment
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
NYC Authority Issues Investment Advisor RFP
The Battery Park City Authority has issued an RFP for investment advisory services. The New
Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Lextran Pension Fund Rehires RiverPoint
The Transit Authority of Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (Ky.) has rehired RiverPoint